TransportApplications Now Open
Transport Guidance if you are aged 16-18 (or 19-25 with an Educational Health Care Plan)
Information Apply for a Bus Pass and Download a Timetable FAQS

The Cornwall College Group offers and extensive transport network so that you can easily travel to and from college. We work in partnership with Cornwall Council and local bus companies to provide reliable, efficient travel. Our transport service will operate Monday to Friday, during term time only.
Please read ourCornwall College Transport Policy Guidance where we should be able to provide answers to your questions.
Apply for your College Bus Pass
Apply for a Bus Pass and Download a Timetable
Use the tool below to apply for a Bus Pass. Choose the route you’ll be using to start the process.
Please note that bus routes and times may be subject to change and you should always refer to your travel pass, once it arrives, for the most up to date information.
Subsidised Travel Passes for 2024/25 are now available and cost £636 per year. You must live more than 3 miles away from your chosen campus to qualify for college transport.
If your household income is below £35,000 per year then our College Bursary will pay the full cost of your bus pass, once you have applied and been assessed as eligible.
If your household income is greater than £35,000 per year, then you have two options:
1. If your bus pass is issued through Cornwall Council you can pay for your bus pass by credit / debit card, by clicking on the link in the confirmation of travel email, that you will receive from their Travel Eligibility department.
2. If your bus pass is issued through the Cornwall College Group, you can book and pay for your seat by using our online shop on our website.
Following this, if your income is between £35,000 – £70,000 you will be able to apply for a 10% discount off the cost of your annual pass. We will write out to you in during the Spring Term to let you know how you can claim your discount.
Apprentices will not be eligible for financial support towards travel and will need to pay for their travel. It is worth exploring the new Travel for Cornwall Scheme where you can purchase daily, weekly or monthly bus passes. Find out more here Transport for Cornwall | Buses, trains, public transport information. Alternatively, you can travel on a college bus and self-fund the cost. Costs will vary dependent on the transport provider.
Some of our learners may require a taxi service into college due to their individual needs. If this relates to you or your child and you live in Cornwall you need to make an application to Cornwall Council as early as possible. Learners applying for a taxi will need to provide evidence from an independent practioner, detailing why a taxi is required, rather than a college bus. You can apply by clicking the following link from 1st June 2024.