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Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy

Study Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy at these locations:

Cornwall College St Austell Cornwall College Camborne

Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy courses by level

The Hair and Beauty industry has over 1 million professionals. With new industry advancements and technology to help, hairdressing and beauty are among some of the oldest industries, making them also some of the most frequently sought services.

Our courses and apprenticeships cover hairdressing, beauty, nail art, barbering, theatrical and special effects makeup, makeup techniques, sports massage, Swedish massage, reflexology, aromatherapy and many more.

Created in close collaborations with local salon managers, they assure your knowledge is up to date and ready to be practiced in our Koko commercial training salons. You’ll get the chance to take part in competitions, fashion shows as well as masterclasses from visiting professionals.

If you’re someone who loves change, wellbeing, and working alongside clients, this industry might be your calling.

You will be learning and working alongside our brilliant team of professionals who will support you in mastering your skills and acquiring the necessary experience to start your career.

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